Helpful Links
On this page we have links to organisations and information that we have found useful and hope that you also find it useful
Victorian Border Crossing Permit
A new service called the Disability Information Helpline is available for people with disability who need help because of COVID-19. The Helpline is available for families, carers, support workers and services also. You can contact the Disability Information Helpline on 1800 643 787 to talk about your concerns in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are deaf or have a speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
Do you have a question about coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Do you want to know what it means for you?
Do you need help because things have changed?
Do you want to know how you can support someone you live with, care for, or support?
It’s available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (AEST) and Saturday and Sunday 9am to 7pm (AEST). It’s not available on national public holidays.
For more information about the Disability Information Helpline, including Easy Read information about COVID-19, visit
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is maintaining information about the Coronavirus as well as advice to participants and providers:
Priority access to home delivery services: The NDIA has worked with supermarket retailers to make sure NDIS participants wanting support to grocery shop, have priority access to home delivery services.
This means, as an NDIS participant, from Monday 6 April, you can purchase grocery items online to be delivered to your home. The NDIA will send all participants a unique home delivery access code by SMS or email.
To access priority home delivery services:
Complete your shopping online for home delivery with participating supermarket retailers.
When prompted enter your unique priority home delivery code.
Submit your order.
For more information click on the link Priority Home Delivery Services.
NDIA have published Easy Read information relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) which can be downloaded for printing:
The Council for Intellectual Disability has developed Easy Read health information:
The NDIS National and Quality and Safeguard Commission (NQSC) is providing regular advice to Registered NDIS providers.
See link below for updates, training, alerts, and resources for NDIS participants and providers:
Campaspe Shire Council
Murray River Council
Australian Government Information and Links
The Australian Government Department of Health has published resources to assist NDIS participants, their families, support workers and carers, health professionals, and home care providers who support people with disability.
COVID-19 advice for people with disability
This Australian Government site is regularly updated to give you the latest Coronavirus news, updates and advice from government agencies across Australia:
The Commonwealth Department of Health provides the official status of the virus in Australia and includes:
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services information can be found here:
New South Wales Department of Health information can be found here:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has provided suggestions for helping to cope with stress experienced by people when dealing with fear and anxiety about a disease.